Recipes of Lateral Movement


Lateral Movement Series begins with the Shoulder in.

Traditionally we look at the shoulder in as the most critical movement in a lateral direction.  It is the basis of all the rest of the movements and is the one we come back to in  checking to assure ourselves of the best possible flexibility, impulsion and bend.  Where do we begin?  ON THE GROUND WITH WORK IN HAND. The masters of lightness produced this first with learning the dance steps without the rider

Our DVDs always begin with fundamental steps placing the horse in a maximum position to produce the most cross over of both hind and front legs  and  then we critic the  "ramener" french  (forehead at vertical or slight incline).

ON THE GROUND IS also best for the rider without the horse in learning the dance steps, thus knowing more about what he wants from his horse and what it should look like .
